Monday, July 11, 2011

Birthday at the Beach

In honor of our youngest's second birthday, we took a day off work and headed to the coast for some family time.

Aleaha is ready to rumble. Miri is not so sure.

Aleaha gets right into the sand and surf. Miri keeps a tight grip on Daddy.

Miss A kicks it up, with the lighthouse in the background.

A rare shot of them both facing forward. Aleaha is paying attention.

Miri did crack a smile, fortunately.

We lured them away from the beach with a reward of the Candy Shop. These lollipops looked to the kids like just the perfect treat (and Aleaha had been daydreaming about it all week). But they soon realized giant lollipops are somewhat of a liability in real life - hard to eat, messy, and not easy to take with you in the car. We later opted for the easier-to-eat, portable, rattle-making Jelly Bellys.

The official song and candle moments. Notice how ready she is to "eat cake!!!!"

Wwe downed homemade cake and homemade ice cream (mommy was still feeling very guilty for last year's store-bought birthday cake!). Miri devoured it all.

Later that evening (since she had taken a long, late nap), we hit the Philomath Frolic to see the sights and take in some rides. She really wanted to ride the pony, and she loved it. She just didn't love that momma wasn't right there, holding her hand, for the photo.

One of the favored "rides" (aka ticket-wasters) was an inflatable obstacle course. We didn't think it would be something she would really like, but Aleaha went through it over and over again. Here she is, scaling up the rope.

After shimmying down the slide side, she heads into the giant rollers. Her trick is to dive into through bottom...

....her body disappears....

... and she reappears on the other side, only slightly flattened.

M gets a great view from Dad's shoulders.

Another one of those good shots of Aleaha hamming for the camera, with Miri's attention going elsewhere.

We went back later in the weekend for the chicken dinner (yummy!) and some Shave Ice.

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