Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SummerTime FunTime

Finally, a day of real, warm, glowing sunshine. Time to play beach babes!

You can guess what the shot following this looked like - that was COLD water. (Camera and its operator didn't catch it, darnit.)

Girls play a made-up game of hopping onto each other's towels.

Catching rays. (Hopefully not cancer, eh?)

As parents, we fully expect to see a lot of this pose and expression over the next umpteen years.

Miri has begun to show the desire to order her universe (even amongst that chaos that is our house!). These are horses, put into order of smallest to largest, with Boss Mare at the very back.

We made homemade chocolate ice cream. Miri thought it was pretty OK.

She was actually speechless for a moment. Just smiling!

Aleaha is a great help in the kitchen. We made potato salad, and she did most of the work. (Of course, it didn't mean she actually wanted to eat it afterwards. "I still don't like 'salad', Mom.")

On the way home from running errands, Miri fell asleep right on cue (her body just knows when it's naptime). She was still holding her cracker.

This is Juice, the silly cat who likes to do uncat-like things. Here he is, working on the girls' art easel. (OK, come to think of it, shredding paper is a cat-like thing.) He gets more use of it than they do.

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