Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Benton Co. Fair

It was finally time for our fair. Read: time to spend too much money on pony rides, carnival rides, and fair fare. To their credit, our fair organizers did have a better rides for the kiddie set this year.

Gotta put hard-earned money onto the overused, tired ponies. It's bad enough to calculate the cost per ride of our own horses, but these really hurt the wallet. But hey, it's once a year, and I griped about them not having ponies last year, so you better believe your bank account I shelled out too much for some rides this year.
The girls got to pick their rides, and they both wanted to ride the big green dragon rollercoaster together.
Miri had fun, but had quite a grip on that safety bar. Um, more on this later....
The spaceship was popular. Yes, they have seen Star Wars. (And yes, they think Princess Leia is one helluva fighter-girl.) 
The carousel never fails to make them happy.
For the big slide, Miri hooked up with one of Aleaha's friends from Muddy Creek, who helped her down. So very nice!
Went back the next day, and of course hit the ponies, and...
...the carousel...

and the spaceship. However, they agreed to swap positions. Not so cool in the end, because Miri didn't know how to make it "go up in the air". So they rode it Skywalker-on-Tatooine-style (4 inches off the ground).
That second day, Miri insisted she wanted to use one of her tickets to ride on that green dragon again, but Aleaha didn't want to. So Miri rode it with some other little girl (not Aleaha). It didn't go well. She was panicked. The other girl was not so thrilled to have a little scared girl next to her.
They got their faces painted, which was a big deal. You can't tell they were happy - what's up with that?

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