Monday, August 20, 2012

Polk Co. and Lane Co. Fairs

We were fortunate to carve out time to hit the Polk County fair and Lane County fair. These kiddos never tire of the rides, the food, and even the checking out of the chickens and rabbits and sheep and all other critters. (Yes, fellow parents, the Fun Fund is about broke by now!)

Riding the ladybugs makes Miri smile...

...but it's a little pedestrian for Aleaha. (We have concluded that, after several carnivals this summer and seeing that same expression, even when she is loving a ride, this is her game face.)

An opportunistic shot of a full mouth of teeth....we are expecting she'll start losing them any day now. One is gross-me-out wiggly.

The Lane Co fair had some new and awesome rides. The helicopter was fun (terrible shots, I know).

And the carousel.

(This is what most of my shots from that night look like! UGH!!)

There was a cool Flying Sharks (or Tigers or something like that) ride, which went slowly on the straight stretch and whipped the kids around the corners. Yikes - Parents were scared, but the kids loved it.

Mommy spied a canoe ride that just might make Aleaha smile. At the beginning, she gripped the boat tightly.

But she did eventually crack that smile.

We all downed some yummy ice cream confections before driving home.

Can't resist a crazy cat pic. The Juicer sleeps on this pony (in our livingroom) each day. He often burries his face into the pony's mane. Miri and Aleaha have made us promise we will keep the pony, past when they can't use it anymore, "because the cat needs it!"

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