Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First Playdate

Miri had a set-back in the potty training department, likely because of the move. We tried to keep cool about it, but the whole "natural consequences" method of parenting just wasn't really working with this child. We tried a variety of other things too. In the end, it just probably had to be on her own good time and terms that she would get herself to the bathroom quick enough.

But what really did sweeten the pot (pun unintended) was to offer her a PLAYDATE with her friend Emily when she could go 7 days in a row with "none potty accidents". It's been several months in the works, but she couldn't make that many days in a row. Then a couple of weeks ago she made the goal, so we had to make good on the reward! Fortunately Emily's parents were up for this too. (The entire school staff and even several other parents knew about this and were rooting for Miri to make it 7 days. "High five, Miri!", they would say.)

We have to admit that as parents we have been very reticent to start up the whole playdate scene with our kids. Afraid it would become a hassle on all sides. And we don't have much free time as it is. But we are certainly entering the era when this is more important, and we want to foster good friendships.

Miri and her friend Emily, enjoying a little snack together.

Dressed Up for School

The girls pick out their school clothes each night, and it was fun to see Miri decide to get all gussied-up for school this particular day. When I picked her up that evening, the dress was covered in paint. I was sure it was never going to come clean. But it did!

St. Patrick's Day Cookies

March 17 was a Sunday, so although we didn't have to worry about "what to wear to school", we did still want to celebrate a little. Aleaha suggested cookies, but we wanted to make them green. I showed them the trick of painting on a little water and then sprinkling with colored sugar. "Nice trick, Mom!", said Aleaha.

Horses Playing!

We made a lovely play area for the horses, where they can eat and roll and run around in the grass a bit. At first, only Shorty was allowed in there, but I couldn't disallow the other two -- they needed to get in there and play too. Arby couldn't wait to roll!

Then he had to buck and snort and grunt a bit too.

And then he could finally settle down like the other two and just eat.

Playing Horse

They entertain themselves a lot by playing "horse". And they wonder why Aleaha has bruises on her knees!

Friday, March 15, 2013

More of Miri Says...

Mommy: "What did you do at school today, Miri?"
Miri: "Oh, I did math."
Mommy: "You did? Wow. Like what?"
Miri: "Uno. Dos. Tros. Yeah, Mom. That's math."

Thursday, March 7, 2013

More of that Honesty, Comin' at Ya

Said by Miri the other day, while eating pizza at Costco:

"Mommy, I don't want a churr-to [churro] for dzezert! I want what she's having! [pointing] That girl next to you with all the dots on her face."

(Uh, that would be the nice girl next to me, about 17-ish, with acne. I sure hope she didn't hear this.)


Said by Miri on the way to school this morning:

"Mommy, I'm a little bit hungry. Can we go to the drive-through a Old McDonald's?" 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Horse, of Course!

We had a little window of nice weather and time, so we took Shorty Boy out for a stroll. We had shoes put on him the day before, so he was feeling great and walking confidently. No more ouchies!
Next up -- getting rid of all that mud crusted on him. But that's gonna take some time. (Sidenote: See Purrl the kitty in the grass to the right of Shorty - she was soaking in the sunshine too) 

Cooking, Dress-Up, and more Cooking

Aleaha has been in chef-mode lately, wanting to try all kinds of new things. This has been great fun, and it has certainly expanded her gustatory repertoire (artichokes, eggplant, and dolmas - oh my!). But sometimes it taxes Mommy's patience. Last Friday night while grocery shopping, she really wanted crab. She's already tried trout (loves it), salmon (so-so), and some others. But she was all about having crab. OK fine, let's grab the crab-in-a-can and go, right? Oh no, it had to be the real deal, in the shell. So we got one of each, and she was assigned to the cracking process.

In the end, she decided she doesn't really like crab all that much. Oy vey!

Saturday night's entertainment was a dress-up fest, with Aleaha putting Miri into the silliest get-ups she could envision. 

It was time again for our favorite waffles, which means the need for lots of stirring and measuring and ingredient-getting. Miri was at the ready!

Aleaha adds the vinegar to the milk (for mock-buttermilk).

And in a lovely (albeit rare) moment of agreement and cooperation in the kitchen, they worked together nicely on a common goal.