Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First Playdate

Miri had a set-back in the potty training department, likely because of the move. We tried to keep cool about it, but the whole "natural consequences" method of parenting just wasn't really working with this child. We tried a variety of other things too. In the end, it just probably had to be on her own good time and terms that she would get herself to the bathroom quick enough.

But what really did sweeten the pot (pun unintended) was to offer her a PLAYDATE with her friend Emily when she could go 7 days in a row with "none potty accidents". It's been several months in the works, but she couldn't make that many days in a row. Then a couple of weeks ago she made the goal, so we had to make good on the reward! Fortunately Emily's parents were up for this too. (The entire school staff and even several other parents knew about this and were rooting for Miri to make it 7 days. "High five, Miri!", they would say.)

We have to admit that as parents we have been very reticent to start up the whole playdate scene with our kids. Afraid it would become a hassle on all sides. And we don't have much free time as it is. But we are certainly entering the era when this is more important, and we want to foster good friendships.

Miri and her friend Emily, enjoying a little snack together.

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