Monday, March 4, 2013

Cooking, Dress-Up, and more Cooking

Aleaha has been in chef-mode lately, wanting to try all kinds of new things. This has been great fun, and it has certainly expanded her gustatory repertoire (artichokes, eggplant, and dolmas - oh my!). But sometimes it taxes Mommy's patience. Last Friday night while grocery shopping, she really wanted crab. She's already tried trout (loves it), salmon (so-so), and some others. But she was all about having crab. OK fine, let's grab the crab-in-a-can and go, right? Oh no, it had to be the real deal, in the shell. So we got one of each, and she was assigned to the cracking process.

In the end, she decided she doesn't really like crab all that much. Oy vey!

Saturday night's entertainment was a dress-up fest, with Aleaha putting Miri into the silliest get-ups she could envision. 

It was time again for our favorite waffles, which means the need for lots of stirring and measuring and ingredient-getting. Miri was at the ready!

Aleaha adds the vinegar to the milk (for mock-buttermilk).

And in a lovely (albeit rare) moment of agreement and cooperation in the kitchen, they worked together nicely on a common goal.

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