Monday, April 22, 2013

Building Fence

We spent all weekend -- nearly all waking hours -- building the fence for the hillside pasture. It's just about wire-ready! We are looking foward to seeing this project done and watching the animals graze away. We want happy, healthy critters (and a little less of a hay bill, please!).

The first of the post holes goes in. Daddy signals something really important to Mommy. (Uh, anyone have any idea what that might mean? She should probably know so she can help him better....) 

Up near the top, where the gate posts go in, we encountered some big rocks. It was critical to get those posts in exactly the right distance apart. After getting the first hole placed, the second post hole was impossible. So we had to move the whole (hole?) thing. Grrr... It was challenging to avoid the buried power lines and rocks while putting the fence where it needed to go.

 Miri started out the morning wearing this darling little skirt. As Mommy left for the field, Miri was instructed to "put jeans on". This is what resulted.It turned out sort of handy, though, because over the entire pature, it was really easy to see where she was, in her safety-day-glo skirt.

There was plenty of rolling around in the grass. These are good moments!

Aleaha came prepared with snacks for Miri, while Daddy works hard pounding posts in the background.  

The girls were MIA for a little while, but were soon spotted "building fence" in the ditch.

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