Monday, April 1, 2013


We enjoyed the visit to our friends' backyard for the annual Egg Hunt. There were way too many eggs and too much candy involved, as happens every year. But the mimosas made up for that, thankfully.

Miri is still a bit tentative about the whole prospect. Maybe she realizes that good colorful things don't normally just lay around for the picking? And her mother has finally drilled into her head that you generally are not allowed to eat something that you picked up off the ground.

The girls divvy up their loot. 

The weather was amazing, and under the pergola of the back deck we all soaked in the sunshine.

Happy kid.

This year we added a new twist -- an egg race! Line up on the deck, spoon in hand, gently holding an egg. Race around the barn and back....


Don't let it drop!

Hurry-hurry -- get back to the starting point!

SPLAT! (proof they were not hard-boiled)

Tired kiddo on the way home.

Later that day, we colored eggs at home...

...and had Gramma Patty out for Easter Dinner. A fine day it was!

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