Friday, June 28, 2013

Poker Ride

When the racecar breaks down and plans have to change, it's nice to know we can move from horsepower to horse-powered.... We had the impromptu chance to participate in this year's Joker's Wild Poker Ride. The weather was slighly damp, so raingear was required. 

Yes, you might recognize that man... from the cover the fishsticks box....

Monday, June 24, 2013


Time to take our little wild beasts to the zoo to see the other wild beasts! It's a full-day thing of course, starting with a frantic run around the house to ensure we have everything we need, leaving later than we planned, and growling at the traffic. We had to park a few miles away and take a shuttle bus, but naturally that was just more adventure for the kids. The day ended nicely with a stop at a restaurant for dinner. Miri didn't have a real nap, so things were a littel dicey, but she held up OK. All in all, it was a good trip.

Quick shot near the entrance.

We take our kids a hundred miles to the zoo, and what do they want to do? Hop on the fake horses in the farmyard animal display area. Sheesh!
Posing in their zebra dresses on a familiar rock. Aleaha remembered this from a couple of years ago.

A fun gizmo for the kids to traverse. Aleaha, ever the older -- and she will remind all, wiser -- sister, shows Miri how it works.

The momma and baby elephant were pacing back and forth, waiting to be let out. Right after this shot, the baby had to go #2 (which of course the kids thought was hilarious), and then the momma picked up to poo and flung it at the plexiglass (which was even more hilarious).
Anything she can do....

you better bet your bananas she's gonna attempt! It was quite a struggle to get up there on her own, and there were a few unladylike elements involved (dresses are so inconvenient at times!), but she did it.
What a threesome!

Aleaha lifts Miri up to see the hippos.

The zoo's zebra passed away recently (old age), so the only namesake shot possible on this trip was with a sign.

Miri points out the giraffes, which are a favorite.
They were pretty ameneable to posing, fortunately.

Look at what lurks in yonder forest!

Riding the zoo train.

They were looking forward to finding the cheeks-full squirrel.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Around the place

Cool shot of the goats and llama one evening.

After much cajoling, we finally put up Blackie so the girls can play. They've been driving us nuts about not having a "play structure". And with Aleaha out of school now, she really does need some more go-to activities.

Running through the sprinkler is a good thing to do. 

Catch them doing something right, as the saying goes....They were in their little tents, and Aleaha was reading Purplicious to Miri. They have 2 copies of the book, so Miri was following along in her book.

Miri too!

"Hey, we got TWO new bikes today, Mommy! A-Wee-Ah got her new gween bike for her birthday, and that means that I get the blue bike for my vewy own now!"

Fortunately, she is still smitten with the positive side of product passdowns like this.

After some consternation about who got to ride first, Miri finally agreed that Aleaha would ride first, since it was her birthday, afterall. And then in return, she would be the first to get to ride when it was her birthday.

Very full day - love it when they sleep well!

She's Seven Now!

It was finally the day! Her wishlist included a digital camera, a bike, and a special locking box for treasures. She was feeling very fulfilled....

Not only is it a digital camera, but it's purple! 

She also received a starter collection kit of rock and minerals. She's a rock hound, for sure, so this was very exciting.
She has long outgrown her training wheel bike from 3 years ago, but she needs more practice learning to ride without the wheels. We insist on the helmet, long pants, long-sleeved shirt, and other personal protective equipment, but still we know that into every new rider's experience there will be some spills. I am afraid of the bruises she will get, but they are inevitable, right? 

Enjoying a churro at Costco.
We were time challenged that day and had to choose between making a homemade birthday cake or taking a Shorty ride. You can see her wise and fun selection!!
We threw a real birthday party for her and some friends, figuring that she's old enough now to actually remember this.....and hold it against us if we don't! We had a lovely afternoon at our local miniature golf place, with a group of fun friends and parents. And tons of cake! (nod to Costco again) Thank you to everyone who helped make a fun occasion.

The kids practiced a bit before getting right into it.

Daddy gives a few pointers on the first hole.

And they're off!

Jillian had an excellent technique.

Daddy helps get Miri set up for success.

But Miri found that sweeping the ball rather than putting was a little more her style.
At the end of the day, she was zonked! I hope she has wonderful memories of turning 7. She's a very bright, capable, sensitive kid. We love her very much!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Nice shot at Indian Rock. We heard the coyotes howl from over this way, and we saw some sign as we walked around.

Six hours in the car, and after a lap around the yard when she finally gets out of the car, what does she go put on? This little get up.


They were all dressed wonderfully to say good-bye to Nana, their great-grandmother.

Froggie Went A-Courtin'

We have a pond near the house with amazing, gigantic frogs in it. When I first heard their croaking a few months ago, I didn't realize it was "just" a frog....I thought it was a sick, moaning goat. But alas, it's the love call of the American Bullfrog.

Yes, they are an "invasive species," as Aleaha would explain. But they are something else to watch and hear.

Here's a short clip of them doing their favorite eff-ing activities: fighting, flipping, and fornicating.

These are no small things, either. If the Zombie Apocolypse comes, we will have a source of fresh meat for a while (ew, gross thoughts, I know!). These buggers are as big as dinner plates. And Chris has counted up to 14 along the banks at one time.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

From the mouths of babes

With Nana's passing recently, at 102 years old (!), we've had a lot of discussion about death and dying and churches and ceremonies and how we honor our family and what we believe and traditions and so on. Here are a few highlights.

Miri, inquisitively:  Mommy, how old are you?
Mommy, curiously: 45
Miri, matter-of-factly: Oh, well, you're just about ready to die. Yup. That's it!
Miri, from the front pew of the church during Nana's funeral Mass: Who's the bed for?
Mommy, mortified: Nana, honey. For her eternal rest. 
Aleaha, after the Mass: What do you call those boys in the black and white robes?
Mommy, educationally: They are Altar Boys. They assist the Priest.
Aleaha: Hmm. Can girls do that?
Mommy: Yes, sure.
Aleaha: What about the tall guy in the robes with the gold on it?
Mommy: That's the Priest. We call him Father.
Aleaha: Can girls do that too?
Mommy: No.
Aleaha, huffy: Well, that's not fair!