Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Froggie Went A-Courtin'

We have a pond near the house with amazing, gigantic frogs in it. When I first heard their croaking a few months ago, I didn't realize it was "just" a frog....I thought it was a sick, moaning goat. But alas, it's the love call of the American Bullfrog.

Yes, they are an "invasive species," as Aleaha would explain. But they are something else to watch and hear.

Here's a short clip of them doing their favorite eff-ing activities: fighting, flipping, and fornicating.

These are no small things, either. If the Zombie Apocolypse comes, we will have a source of fresh meat for a while (ew, gross thoughts, I know!). These buggers are as big as dinner plates. And Chris has counted up to 14 along the banks at one time.

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