Monday, September 16, 2013

Mount Up (but don't Let'er Buck)!

Mommy had The Most Wonderful Opportunity to play again with the Pendleton Round-Up Mounted Cowboy Band. I played from 1985 to 1989, when the band was first re-formed (not reformed, hehehe). Sadly, I didn't do it for all those years in between, but this year, I was back in the saddle again, piccolo ready!

Friends Randy, Kari, Bridgette, Neva from the Mounted Band, taking a breather between gigs.

View from on Jake as we staged for the parade. This is just a part of what these horses endure. (I'm so proud of Jake!)

Sign seen in the mounted band's tack room. HA!

Our founding director, The Honorable Judge Dick Courson. I rode with him and his lovely wife CoraLee on Wagon Train years ago, and I was so thrilled to be able to ride in the Mounted Band with him. He retired from directing the band, but came back for a daily visit. So great to see him.

Mounted and ready for the arena. Jake was a very good boy to put up with the chaos that can be Round-Up. I had a perma-grin. I hope to do it again next year!

Another Perspective on Happy Canyon

When Aleaha was four years old, she got to attend Happy Canyon for the first time. It’s a very curious time for a child, and an event like that is even more so – how in the world do you explain a few hundred years of culture and tyranny and war and sickness and history and tradition and friendship and interdependence to a four-year-old?

Miri has been attending Happy Canyon for a few years, but she doesn’t really remember it. Here are her comments this year. Keep in mind that she was attempting to quiet her voice, because she was shushed a thousand times. But it all came out in Miri-Yell fashion….

Miri, at the show's opening: MOMMY!! We just saw that dead deer, MOMMY!! Why did they get it dead?
Mommy: Because that's one of the things they used to eat, honey. Just like we sometimes do too. Deer meat was a very important part of their diet. But don't worry [concerned she was having a hard time understanding this was a depiction of life long ago] . Now they go to grocery stores too, just like we do.
Miri: MOMMY, are you SURE the Indians are allowed to go in the grocery stores. I never see them there.

Miri, during the Rescue Scene: MOMMY!! Why are they hitting that girl?! 
Mommy: Because her people and the Inidans have been fighting, and her people killed one of their people. So they kidnapped her. They are very mad at the white people.
Miri: What white people?? I don't see anyone who is white. Those others are just regular. 

Miri, during the Emigrant Scene, when the pioneer wagon has circled and she can see into the back: MOMMY!! MOMMY!! Look!! I see Mary and Laura!! Right there!!! [the Ingalls girls…..we have read all the books together]

Miri, during the scene when the Indians retreat: MOMMY!! Why are they leaving? MOMMY!! They all look so sad. Why are they sad??
Mommy: Because the white people are taking over the land and they have been told they have to move to a reservation.
Miri: Oh.

Gettin' Saucy!

We had bunches of apples frmo our friends Holly & Jon, and we didn't let a one go to waste! A few went for horse treats, but for three nights in a row, we made applesauce. It's a great (albeit hot) time together, and the girls really love to be in the kitchen cooking up a storm..

The Man Who Moves Mountains

Thank you, Daddy, for mucking out the barn. You moved mountains of manure to make the barnyard better for animals. And we are all very grateful!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Funnies from Idaho

 Mommy happened to be in Boise at the time of their Western Idaho Fair. What fun! There were several things to remind me of home...


Only in Idaho, eh? Ice cream in the shape of a spud. I'm told it's pretty good.

In honor of MamaLlama...

State Fair

They love the canoes (although they got jipped with just a single lap).

Flying Tigers are a lot of fun.

We stood in line forever to get faces painted, but it was worth it. (To the children, of course.)

Close-ups on the carousel.

First Day of School

Cutie-Patooties, on Aleaha's first day of Second Grade.


She's getting great balance and improving her control, so we added some bareback riding to the mix. Go Shorty and Aleaha! You make a great team.

Farm Project

At the end of last school year, Aleaha brought home pounds and pounds of school projects. We can't archive them all, much to her dismay. So here she is describing this terrific farm project they did in first grade, where the kids all had to design the layout for a farm and consider where the buildings would be, the roads, the animals, the plants, etc. What a great, practical project! And many other projects, such as math, were associated. Loved this one.

Toothfairy is going broke...

She lost one up front! (and the other one is wiggly)  These really change the way a little person looks. Yikes, she's getting so big! 

Miri Makes Cookies

We made a giant batch of oatmeal raisin cookies, and Miri was all about scooping the dough herself. She did a great job! (That's Aleaha singing  This Land is Your Land in the background.)