Monday, September 16, 2013

Another Perspective on Happy Canyon

When Aleaha was four years old, she got to attend Happy Canyon for the first time. It’s a very curious time for a child, and an event like that is even more so – how in the world do you explain a few hundred years of culture and tyranny and war and sickness and history and tradition and friendship and interdependence to a four-year-old?

Miri has been attending Happy Canyon for a few years, but she doesn’t really remember it. Here are her comments this year. Keep in mind that she was attempting to quiet her voice, because she was shushed a thousand times. But it all came out in Miri-Yell fashion….

Miri, at the show's opening: MOMMY!! We just saw that dead deer, MOMMY!! Why did they get it dead?
Mommy: Because that's one of the things they used to eat, honey. Just like we sometimes do too. Deer meat was a very important part of their diet. But don't worry [concerned she was having a hard time understanding this was a depiction of life long ago] . Now they go to grocery stores too, just like we do.
Miri: MOMMY, are you SURE the Indians are allowed to go in the grocery stores. I never see them there.

Miri, during the Rescue Scene: MOMMY!! Why are they hitting that girl?! 
Mommy: Because her people and the Inidans have been fighting, and her people killed one of their people. So they kidnapped her. They are very mad at the white people.
Miri: What white people?? I don't see anyone who is white. Those others are just regular. 

Miri, during the Emigrant Scene, when the pioneer wagon has circled and she can see into the back: MOMMY!! MOMMY!! Look!! I see Mary and Laura!! Right there!!! [the Ingalls girls…..we have read all the books together]

Miri, during the scene when the Indians retreat: MOMMY!! Why are they leaving? MOMMY!! They all look so sad. Why are they sad??
Mommy: Because the white people are taking over the land and they have been told they have to move to a reservation.
Miri: Oh.

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