Monday, September 16, 2013

Mount Up (but don't Let'er Buck)!

Mommy had The Most Wonderful Opportunity to play again with the Pendleton Round-Up Mounted Cowboy Band. I played from 1985 to 1989, when the band was first re-formed (not reformed, hehehe). Sadly, I didn't do it for all those years in between, but this year, I was back in the saddle again, piccolo ready!

Friends Randy, Kari, Bridgette, Neva from the Mounted Band, taking a breather between gigs.

View from on Jake as we staged for the parade. This is just a part of what these horses endure. (I'm so proud of Jake!)

Sign seen in the mounted band's tack room. HA!

Our founding director, The Honorable Judge Dick Courson. I rode with him and his lovely wife CoraLee on Wagon Train years ago, and I was so thrilled to be able to ride in the Mounted Band with him. He retired from directing the band, but came back for a daily visit. So great to see him.

Mounted and ready for the arena. Jake was a very good boy to put up with the chaos that can be Round-Up. I had a perma-grin. I hope to do it again next year!

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