Saturday, February 8, 2014

Animals in Snow

On the first day, there wasn't as much accumulated yet.

It was a little bit of a trek, but doable.

Animals faring fine. Shorty was even spied rolling in the snow. Must have felt good to scratch his back and not be laying in mud.

Birdies, birdies everywhere at the barn. And in the barn - they fly in through the feeders and then can't get back out once we've pitched the feeders full of hay. But inside the barn is a fairly nice place to be with weather like this - they have everything they need. Lots of food, because they eat the seed that drops from the grass day. And because we keep Spiffy in there when the weather is hard, there is also his water bowl to drink from.  

Speaking of Spiffy, he was having a grand time romping in the paddock. 

For part of the time, the wind was blowing right into the stalls. Brrrr. But then it calmed a bit. The barn is fairly protected, so the animals are safe there.

Spiffy's usual habitat was not so comfortable. That's his igloo on the right. Literally. Not as cozy as sleeping in the barn with the ton of hay and good water and lots of visits and treats from Mommy.

Quigly greets Mommy every visit. 
Check out how much snow had accumulated by Friday.

The snow at the door of barn got a little deep.

The goats know how to snuggle up to stay warm. Everyone is fine. Good thing we have lots of hay and water. I wish we had a little more sweet feed in the barn, but they are getting a bit and doing great.

Accidental selfie, documenting depth of snow. Truly up to my knees!

Saturday morning, with the ice coming down, the trek was getting a little crunchier.

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