Monday, February 3, 2014

Good-bye, 389

It's time. We knew it was coming when the place was put up for sale over 3 years ago. But there was only so much mental preparation that could be done that far in advance. This is one of those phase-changes that you just have to get through.

As Gramma & Grandpa's move-out-by date looms, Mommy and the girls made a trip to help pack some things and bring back sentimentals.

We had a lot of important family photos taken in front of this hearth. Recitals, Proms, Christmases, Reunions, and the autumn Going-Off-to-College shots. The background stayed predictively and comfortingly the same for the most part, but obviously we grew up.  We were working quickly to get things organized (hence wearing our grubbies), but we paused to recognize the moment and snap a few pictures. 

(Thanks to Aleaha for knowing how to use mommy's camera!)

Christmas, 1989

Fortunately we could laugh at ourselves a little to lighten the heavy feeling.

But still, it was poignant step to recognize what it means. 

After thirty-six years in the same house, you do come to expect it will always be there. 

Good-bye, 389. I will miss you. 
May the next family have a lifetime of happy memories with you too.

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