Monday, August 25, 2014


 Gramma and Grandpa came over for a long weekend to help with some end-of-season projects. The main goal was for Mommy and GrammaBon to do some canning together.

First up were the Dilly Beans.

We did 24 pints on the first day together. Mommy can hardly wait for the time when they are ready to sample.YUM

The next day we set out for 2 different batches of plum jam, using wild plums we found right on our own property. In the shot above, Gramma is adding sugar to the pot of purple plums, which didn't turn out purple, but did turn out delicious! (In the foreground are the yellow plums we picked a few weeks ago, defrosting.)

It was definitely a team effort, with everyone pitching in. Aleaha loaded the dishwasher with the next set of jars, Miri squeezed lemons for lemon juice, and Gramma monitored the jam and was Head of Processing.

It was nice to see them working together.

There is nothing like canning outdoors! Won't go back into the house with this's just so much better out here. The propane gave us major BTUs, so the water came to a boil much faster, we didn't steam up the kitchen, and we had plenty of room for everything involved.

The end result was 75 total jars. Amazing! Can't wait to try the Dilly Beans, the Wild Plum Jam, and the Vanilla Plum Jam.

We are still looking forward to applesauce and working with the beautiful wild pears (sneak peak above!), but we'll save those for another time soon.

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