Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Chore Time

We have been bustin' our buns to get things done. Every weekend we tackle some form of landscaping work. This property needs a full-time gardener, and that's not really what we envision doing, but we have to at least maintain the critical things.

In the photo above, we removed two tractor loads of berry vines from the ivy on the hillside to the right of the road. It was grueling, but necessary. Not many people see it, but we know how much of a difference it made.

We found the permanent location for the chicken house (near the barn, which will be more convenient and safe), and so we started in on the tasks to make it chick-ready. We don't know when we will be getting the chicks (not exactly the right time of year now), but we need to get this done. Everyone helped! If there's paining involved, you better believe the girls are right there, eager to work.

Finishing the metal. Still a few things left to do, but we are closer.

The next weekend, we tackled another area of weeds. 

Daddy designed and built this mondo pig feeder, which holds a lot and is very strong, so it should last a good long time. We had it powdercoated, so it was finally ready to put in place.

Oh yes, it works just like it should! (the pigs quickly learned how to hold up the covers, so they aren't bungeed anymore).

After a few day's of use, Daddy had Aleaha help him put a slider-goodie into place, which controls the flow of food. The feeder was so deep, he couldn't reach it. Good thing there's a PooberLou who's very able to help! (and the reason his hand is reaching out is because he was asking Mommy to hand him his phone to use as a flashlight so they could see into the feeder to make the adjustment).

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