Sunday, March 15, 2015

Kids Staying Busy

Miri is a big helper in the kitchen. Here she's making bacon.

And another morning she helped with the ham. She noticed that the bone in the ham was in the shape of a heart!

They were caught playing "grass-angels."

They made Mommy & Daddy a lovely picnic one day, as we were working around the farm.

Mommy later found Aleaha's list for planning the picnic (um, she comes by this near-obsession honestly!). Notice she not only made the list of things they needed to prepare and bring to the table, but she also drew a map to lay it all out. Yup, she's clearly our kid!

Daddy let them use their sidewalk chalk in the parking area in front of the shop. There was, naturally, a drawing of a girl on a horse (possibly unicorn, I was told later). 

And even a giant whale, complete with blowhole.