Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Remembering Bill and Dave

Mommy was recently teaching a class in Palo Alto. While there, she had the chance to visit the offices of the founders of HP, which have been preserved as they were when they worked there. It's a bit like stepping back in time.

This is Bill Hewlett's office.

This is Dave Packard's office.

I was totally teary, standing in these rooms and feeling their awe. This will be my 20th year with HP. Although I didn't originally picture myself staying with the company that long (or living away from EO that long), there are some aspects that have been very positive. I have needed to focus on those aspects lately, not only for my own good but especially for my kids. Aleaha made a comment recently about my working and how she never wanted to study whatever I did and work at HP, because she saw me as always unhappy and down about work. It struck me that I need to help her see the good that one can do in working (I tried not to make it all about a paycheck, but someday she'll understand that part too).

I was sure to tell her how emotional it was to be there in this place and realize who they were and how much I have appreciated working in their company.