Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sock Hop

In 2014, when it was time for the Sock Hop at school, Aleaha came home wondering why all the girls were wearing big skirts with poodles on them. It seems the PTA a few years back passed out patterns for circle skirts. So this year, armed with Pinterest, we were ready! We bought the felt fabric long in advance, and the girls made their choices for applique designs. Aleaha was not about to have a poodle involved - it had to be a horse. So we used Shorty as the template! And Miri wanted balloons. 

(It was also Crazy Sock Day, so Aleaha was wearing Mommy's very old toe socks, with funky stripes.) 

Aleaha took part in the Hula Hoop contest and was runner-up! Here she is in the final round, with 2 h oops!

Go Aleaha!