Monday, July 13, 2015

At the Race Track

Race time! Daddy and Aleaha camped at the track, and Miri and Mommy drove up for the day. It was a super-hot day, so we all downed lots of shave ice to keep cool.

Miri and Mommy watched Daddy's burnout from the stands....

while Gary and Scott worked hard to make sure things were right.

Woops - caught a little wind for a second.

And he's off!

After the run, Aleaha helps push the car into the pits.

She's One Hot Poober Pepper! (notice the flaming shoes)

Track Kid!

For the next pass, Aleaha asked Miri to stay in the stands a little longer and cheer on Daddy as be came back from the end of the track.

The girls have a couple of friends who pit next door to Daddy, and they offer face painting specials.

Miri shows off her -- wait for it -- One Hot Chili Pepper!

She was wiped out at the end of the day, and asleep before we got to the freeway.

Mommy picked up a little something extra in her tire that day, and the next morning this was the result. BUMMER!

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