Monday, July 13, 2015

EO Vacay Post #1 - Riding!!

We were lucky to spend a whole week up in the mountains, riding our marvelous mounts. This post is wholly dedicated to the time we spent riding - it was so great!

You will be able to tell that time passed, because while many of these photos will look the same to you, we know that Daddy was wearing a different t-shirt each day. :)

Same horses, same people, different trails, different t-shirts.

Day 1, hitting the road as soon as we could!

Good ol' Shorty had to pull a double shift each time. He carried Aleaha with Mommy & Daddy (on Arby & Quigly, respectively), and then he had to turn around and repeat a ride with Miri, She's a lead-line rider still, But she got to explore lots of great trails.

She is learning balance and attention and all sorts of important skills. (Shorty clearly has this gig down pat.)

He's a natural. 

And she's a ham!

Favorite artsy shot with the sun going down behind us.

Day 2. (or was it 3?)

Went off road a bit too.

This shot was taken right after we all escaped death from a mama elk that ran off close by. The horses took notice, although they were very good about it. Just got our attention.

And naturally there were pony rides when the cousins came to visit. GrammaBon volunteered to walk Shorty a bit.

But Shorty is a fast walker (he keeps up with Quigly just fine!), so Aleaha stepped in to spell GrammaBon. 

Day 5, (I think).

A ride on her BIRTHDAY! (Mommy made her go with the bareback pad for a little extra challenge)

She totally rocked it.

We love this horse!

Out for our last ride. *sigh*

It was a great, long ride. Wish we were there now!

And Miri got her last ride in too.

Mommy told her to hold the reins like an ice cream cone, so of course she took it literally.

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