Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day!

As our Mother's Day tradition (well, second year running), we went to our local cafe for breakfast on Sunday morning. Miss A gave a nice grin for the camera. She loves going out for breakfast, because she can "order pan-takes, syrup, sausage, and eggs", which are her favorites (and I don't make pancakes at home, so that's a real treat for her). She was bit disappointed later that day when we went out for dinner at Elmer's with Gramma Patty, because she couldn't order the very same thing.

She made a lovely 4-course meal for us the other night, and I asked her what was for dessert. She said, shoulders shrugging, "But Mom, I no have anything to make you for ba-ssert." Well, I had stashed this fabulous wooden birthday cake for later in June (do you just love stuff by "Melissa and Doug" or what?!), so I pulled it out a couple of weeks early. Lemme tell you, it's a hit! I've had many quiet hours and some delicious ba-sserts (served with tea or coffee, even!) from this little gift. The pieces stick together with velcro, which can then be cut apart with the matching knife ("Be careful, Mom, it's very sharp and dangerous!").

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