Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Zoo

We finally made it to the zoo this year. We tried three times to plan for a day to go, during the week (fewer people to contend with), with decent weather, and the first two times we had to give up due to rain. We didn't get many pics ... Mom had the camera, and mostly I just pushed the empty stroller and found places to sit (stroller wasn't quite sturdy enough to hold my mass, or I would have insisted that they push me!). But it was a really good day, even if we didn't document it thoroughly with photos.

Great pic of Aleaha and Daddy.

Requested "belly shot" (taken whilst eldest child attempts to climb over fence and pick all the flowers). Calendar says I'm 33 weeks along. In pregnant-old-woman terms, that means I'm about 2 years overdue.

Aleaha contemplates the highest speed the zoo train is likely to reach.

It really was a great day: We started by sleeping in (glory be, even the kiddo!), then broke our fast at The Broken Yolk cafe (which Aleaha calls "The Broken Yoken"), hit Coastal Farm in Albany for a few essentials, then made our way to the zoo. We were there only a couple of hours, and that was just fine. See some animals, dodge some people, eat a sno-cone, and we're ready to go, right? Then, on the way home, we found a Red Robin in Wilsonville and had an early dinner (read: Mom didn't cook a thing that day!). Here's Miss A enjoying a bit of a fuzzy raspberry drink.

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