Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Little Helper

She doesn't look thrilled here, but that's just because she was self-conscious that Mom was taking a picture in the grocery store. We stopped in at the First Alternative Co-op store the other day, and they happen to have "doze yittle drocery tarts" that she has wanted SO BADLY to push. We went to Trader Joe's a while back, all jazzed with the expectation of her being able to push her own cart there. But it turns out that "bad people have stealed them all," and TJ's has chosen not to replace them. So, we were really happy to see that our local Co-op has a few.

Aleaha can do so many thing now. It's an amazing evolution to witness, really. I'm grateful for the chance to be a parent and see this.

We have FINALLY finished Aleaha's "Big Girl Bedroom", and she's moved in. I'm so proud of her! I painted the room last weekend, we had the carpet installed during the week, and Daddy replaced all the outlets and switches on Saturday. Then we set up her Big Girl Bed (twin bed). She has had two nights in there so far. It's such a big step. Although last night, at one of her awakenings, she asked to go "back in my trib".

Speaking of her, uh, accent, I've taken note of a few funny pronunciations:

Ba-dee-ya (tortilla)
Balicious (delicious)
Bamote (remote, as in remote control)
Bazzert (dessert)
Baputer (computer)
Tichen (kitchen)
Dop (stop)
Boke (poke)

There are a few more, but I can't recall them at the moment.

Oh, and then there's the little gem from this morning, on the way to school. We were following a police car...

Aleaha: "Hey Mom, yook. Dere's a pleece car in front of us."
Mom: "Yeah, there is."
Aleaha: "What are those letters on the back?"
Mom: "Well, how 'bout you tell me what those letters are."
Aleaha: "P-O-L-I-C-E"
Mom: "That's right. Do you know what that spells? That spells 'police'."
Aleaha: "Oh. Well. That makes sense."

hehehe. She's got a fabulous grasp of the obvious. :)

Another story....

I told Aleaha that her soon-to-arrive little sister (still called "Noodle") wanted to get her a special birthday present, and I was thinking that she might want to have it early. Aleaha was totally intrigued at this prospect -- not just the getting of a present, but the fact that Noodle had worked this out with me. It was a Bob-style stroller (3 wheels, with a little place underneath to store/carry more stuff, which she is REALLY into lately). She was thrilled, and immediately took to filling it with a swaddled baby doll and an assortment of other things to push around, one of which was her cell phone. She proceeded to push it around the kitchen, but then suddenly stopped, grabbed her cell phone, and had this conversation:

Aleaha: "Yeah, hi-yo. Are you dere? Yeah, uh, tank you for da Bob. I really, really yike it. It's just yike my udder one, but it hodes more stuff. Yeah. Uh-huh. OK. Yeah. Alright. Bye."

I asked her what that conversation was all about. She replied, "Noodle wasn't dere. I had to yeave a message. I wanted to tell her tank-you for da Bob."

And finally this little quip:

Mom: "Aleaha, if you were a horse, what kind of horse would you be?"
Aleaha: "Mom, if I was a horse, I wouldn't be A-yee-ah!"
Mom: "Yes, I know. But if you were a horse, what kind would you be?"
Aleaha, quick as a whip: "A bucking horse, Mom."


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