Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday Morning!

It's finally here! Her birthday!!

I had to be at work extra-early this morning, so when I woke her up to get ready for school, I raised the shade on her window....

Mom: "Good morning, Birthday Girl! You're three years old now!"
Miss A, eyes tightly shut, fingers held up making "peace" sign for two: "No I'm not, I'm still two!"
Mom: "But it must be your birthday, because there are some presents downstairs in the livingroom. "
Miss A: "Reeeaaallly? Oh! I'm three now! Hooray!"

Here are a few terribly grainy shots of the morning. (Batteries in the good camera were used up. Nice timing, eh? Had to use cell phone camera.)

She got a horsie lunchbox, a horsie watch, and a new real, black horse helmet for riding Jake.

Here she is opening a package of sandwich-fixings. She got right into it with Daddy (noting "Great. Now she'll have skills for working at Subway."). Together they made a fabulous sandwich.

This obviously made an impression on her, because in the car a half hour later on the way to school, when I asked her what she got for her birthday this morning, she immediately said, "FOOD!" I thought she was referring to the toast her dad made her for breakfast (packed into her new lunchbox, natch, for eating in the car on the way). Duh, I'd already forgotten about the sandwich thingie.

So apparently food is her #1 motivator, and horses are #2. I guess that's evolutionarily beneficial, right?

Later today we move on to the Cupcake Scene at school. Can you say Sugar-Induced High? Look out, parents, it's our turn today!

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