Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tee-ball, Turkeys, and More

Slugger Aleaha makes contact. It's hard to tell from the pic, but she's very fashionable in her new purple shall, made by Jeanie Powell. Thank you, Jeanie!! It's darling!

Here's a shot of Aleaha in her new Fancy Nancy birthday outfit from Aunt Jodi. Wow, is she stylin' or what?!

Check out the visiting wild turkeys. They haven't been spotted around here in about 5 years, and suddenly we get two on the porch. For a minute, it looked like they would ring the doorbell and try to sell us something. ;)

Aleaha kept talking about a special bazzert made with "trat-ters and marshmallows and chocolate all over it". So we made Microwave S'Mores for dessert tonight. She calls them "S'Nores". Hmm, wonder where she gets that notion??

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