Monday, June 15, 2009

Going to Class

I took Miss A to attend a class on "Becoming a Big Sister or Brother" at the hospital. I say "attend" and not "participate in"... because that definitely explains her level of involvement. The class was held during her normal naptime hours, so I couldn't have expected too much. Obviously they are set up to deal with older kids - she barely met their threshold for age.

Here she is during the opening movie. All the other kids (well, all 5 of them) were sitting in a half-circle on the floor around the TV. But not her. I had to threaten a few times that we would leave. But she knew that wouldn't have been a cool thing. Plus, there was a plate of cookies in the back, and she figured she wouldn't be allowed one if she didn't make it to the end.

And here she is sitting backwards in her chair, ignoring the teacher-- because the lady behind us was much more interesting. (It's true, unfortunately.)

Things got a little more interesting when it was time to hold and swaddle the "pretend babies" (uh, otherwise known as DOLLS). Aleaha knew how to do that part, so she felt a little more at ease.

This was as close as she would venture to the circle. That's the back of her pony-tailed head, with one hand firmly clenched to the table.

On the way home, Aleaha fell asleep in the car, as expected and appreciated. But not before I tried to drill her -- uh, I mean, reinforce with her -- some of the objects of the class. When I asked her what she remembered, she said: "Mom, we had juice and tookies!", and then the clincher.... "Mom, we got to ride in the elebator!"

So much for learning important things like, "Don't let Noodle play with anything smaller than your fist."

Obviously we will have to parent both of them closely! ;)

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