Monday, September 14, 2009

Just a couple of pics

Aleaha has discovered "Spice and Ice", a fun little restaurant in North Albany. After a preview trip with Mom, we returned a few days later with Daddy. Yummy - great rice and noodles and meat and veggies -- her faves. (Just order it without sauce, she cautions.) She's intrigued by chopsticks, but of course can't use them properly yet. Oh well. Her mother was 26 before she could use chopsticks.

Our cat Carly is just about all used up. She's going on 19 years old, and she's lost a lot of weight in the last year. She's been OK this summer, but she no longer grooms herself and thus is banned to the outdoors most of the time. She still likes to eat -- although, like her predecessor Oscar, she seems to forget when she's already eaten, asking again for food 15 minutes later. Here she is sleeping in the cat food box, obviously telling us it's time to eat again.

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