Monday, September 21, 2009

Round-Up Review

We had the good fortune to attend the 99th Pendleton Round-Up this year and visit with family. As usual, "a good time was had by all." We are getting geared up and looking forward to next year, for the Hundredth Anniversary! Got your tickets??

Gramma Bon took lots of photos, so perhaps we'll be able to post a few of those. In the meantime, here are a few.

We watched the Westward Ho! Parade on Friday morning, and Aleaha keenly spotted that directly across the street from where we were sitting was Whitey's Candy and Ice Cream Shop. (No, she can't read yet, but she knows how to interpret important things, like signs that have pictures of ice cream cones on them.) She really wanted a treat, and as soon as the parade was past us, we shimmied across to beat the crowd and get ourselves a couple of what she calls "Hunkleberry" cones. Yum.

Post-parade on Friday, Nanny Shelby took care of a passel of kids at the daycare center in Aunt Jodi's basement, while many of the parents got to go to the rodeo. Gramma Bon had been wondering who the Patron Saint of Round-Up would be, and now we know -- it's Nanny Shelby!! :)

Gramma Bon and Mommy and Miri sat in the "Sun Bowl" section of the grandstands, and although the action was great to watch, it was just too danged hot and sunny for us. We lasted through the first event, and then it was time to go look at the Fine Jewelry of the Indian Village and check out the hard work Gramma Bon put in for years over at the Round-Up and Happy Canyon Hall of Fame.

Here's Miri exclaiming just how awesome it is to watch Round-Up. She loved it.

On Saturday, while Gramma Bon and Aleaha took in the action from the South Grandstands, Daddy and Mommy and Miri got to watch from the highly-coveted seats we occasionally get from our good friends Bob & Janet Miller (no relation, dangit). These seats are RIGHT ABOVE the buckin' chutes. Not a better seat can be had. Daddy is spoiled now, as the two times he's seen the rodeo, he's had the privilege of those seats.

Miri loved the rodeo. Lots of animals and athletes and action. That, and Mommy wore her in the Baby Bjorn for 2 days. Made for a very happy baby!

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