Monday, September 7, 2009

Shed Work, Amusements, and Gramma Patty's Visit

Let's see... Miri is almost 2 months old now, and that means the new sheds that Grandpa and Daddy built the week she was born have been sitting, largely untouched, for that amount of time. (We've just been danged busy!) So Daddy set aside some time to get the roofs on - right before we had 2 days of rain. Whew!

Here he is putting the metal on the big shed.

Nailing the last nail in the Chicken Shack, which will keep the chicken food out of the weather. We reused the pine that was removed from the family room. Nice, eh?

The countertop is a tad high, but Daddy demonstrates that if we ever needed an outhouse, we got it made.

Here's the Shack in it's intended location, just outside the chicken pen. It was quite a process to put it in the bucket of the tractor and move it into place. (Love that Kubota!)

Moving on to other topics...

Miri loves to be on her changing table. We get the biggest smiles there. Here's what we see...

...and here's what Miri sees! She has a thing for the dragonfly with the blue wings. Totally fixates on it every time.

Miri's other favorite captivation lately is to look at herself in the mirror. Her swing has a bubble-shaped mirror above her head, and although Aleaha never seemed to pay attention to it, Miri caught sight of that other baby and was mesmorized.

We took the opportunity that self-employment affords to hit the Oregon State Fair on a weekday last week, thinking there'd be fewer people. That wasn't the case. Apparently, school was still out in many areas, because for a Wednesday, there were waaaayyy too many adolescents running amok. It was pretty warm, but we had a good time. A few rides, some eats, and we were ready to come home. But our first stop was the Forestry Building, because we are all about Smokey Bear.

Here is the one shot I got to prove our patronage of the Fair. We love Smokey Bear (and you do know it's "Smokey Bear", not "Smokey the Bear", right??).

Gramma Bon mentioned that the Pendleton Woolen Mills would have a nice display of blankets, so I wanted to get a pic of it for her. Obviously I'm no photojournalist, but it was a neat showing of blankets. There was even a brochure for the city of Pilot Rock!

Aleaha is getting to be a Big Girl, but she still needs (and takes, fortunately) her afternoon nap. She really wanted to go to Trader Joe's the other day (OK, so did Mommy), but the deal was that if we went, she had to sleep in the car on the way. She complied, telling me she'd be asleep by the time we got down our driveway. At first, I wondered if she was trying to fool me by not really sleeping behind those sunglasses, but she was definitely asleep.

Gramma Patty came out for dinner and a visit with the girls. Here she is with Miri.

After several crying shots, we got a smiley one. Evenings are a very cranky time for Miri.

Gramma Patty reads to Aleaha. THANK YOU, Gramma Patty!! You are very patient. :)

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