Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cooking, Webs, and First Day Back at Work

Aleaha likes to cook, as we know. Here she is laying out "ghost cookies" -- those horrid pre-made Pilsbury things that come already mixed, formed, sliced, and ready to bake. Where's the cooking in that, you say?? We can do better than that... that's way too facile...

And so the next day, we graduate to "difficile". Truly. Here she is painting beeswax + butter on the insides of the cannele molds. Yes, we made canneles. You know 'em? They are divine little French cakes that takes *days* to make (and involves beeswax and special molds, For Heaven's Sake!). I have only 8 molds, and the batter makes 3 batches, and they take over an hour to bake EACH. I shoulda gotten a photo of the finished product, but I was SO DONE with cannele-making by then. They are marvelous, but by the time they are finished, my patience is shot and I just wanna go have a Hostess Cupcake. Or something. (But not a ghost cookie -- eewww!)

I saw a pretty web begging to be photographed. My aunt Jeannie takes the most outstanding pictures, and I am rotten at it. We just got a new digital camera, and I needed an excuse to play with it for a few minutes and learn some of its features.

I figured out how to make the background fuzzy and the foreground in focus. Gee, isnt' that why cameras have special lenses? Ours just has a nice little button you push so it will do that on its own. It kinda thinks for itself. But you still gotta know which button to push. I need a class. Or maybe I just need to read the darn manual!

Anybody know what these little flowers are? I was curious to see them growing in October.

This is Miri watching TV. Yes, I know how terrible that is. And yes, I let her sister do it too now and then. Bad mommy!

Jones keeps Aleaha's feet warm while she slurps her morning hot chocolate.

Tried to get a shot of the girls together. Not exactly what I was after.

Miss Miri napping in the swing. Aaawwww.

The many faces of Miri.

Playing like a big girl in her exersaucer.

Still can't get her to enjoy that outdoor swing.

Daddy works to clear the gutters in preparation for "the rains". We've got it down to a science now.... he wears a special glove to protect his hand, he digs in and grabs the wet fir needles, and throws handfuls of it down into the kiddie pool below. Then we work our way around the house. There's enough gunk to fill the pool about half full. Ick.

I found this witch costume last year after Halloween - got a great deal on it. Aleaha had seen how cute her cousin Ella looked as a purple-and-black witch last year, so I was feeling so smart and ahead of the game. But Aleaha doesn't want to be a witch this year. She wants to be a horse. Again! I managed to get her to try it on, just so I could snap a picture. (And hey, as long as the horse outfit fits her, that's fine. But I don't want to shell out for a new one!)

This is Miri in her new classroom on her First Day of School. It was mommy's first day back at work after maternity leave, and I think it was hard on us both. Harder for her, though. She wouldn't take a bottle in the morning, so I had to go feed her at lunchtime. She'll come around. She has to!!

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