Sunday, October 11, 2009

This Week in Pictures

OK, so Time magazine I am not. But here's a view of what we were up to this week....

Aleaha was rockin' out in the garage to some good ol' Elton John ("Crockodile Rock"). Guitar Hero, lookout! It's in this girl's genes, of course. :)

Miri gives a smile from her changing table. Once again, a nice clean butt makes for one happy baby.

CutiePoo in her "I Love Daddy" outfit.

Sign in 4 Star Meat Company's store front. (The piggies have gone to live in the freezer. They had a very good life.... sunshine, food, mud. And now they can make several families very happy. Our freezers are packed, and we are grateful.)

Miss Miri likes to look at herself in the mirror.

Doing laundry together. (Rumor has it that when Mommy was born, it was de rigeur for babies to ride in laundry baskets on the floor of the car. Carseats were practically unheard of.

On Saturday night we made dinner for the One Hot Chili Pepper crew. Aleaha sliced the mushrooms, using the egg slicer. (Perfect job for a three-year-old!!)

Sunday morning the girls went out to breakfast with our friend Holly. They were pretty good, even with the long wait for a table (post-game crowd was quite large). Here's Miri catching some ZZZs in her carseat at the table. Mommy actually got to eat nearly all her meal while it was still hot! ('cept for the break to take Aleaha to the bathroom -- she's got a thimble-sized bladder and a penchant for going right in the middle of the meal. Ugh!)

After breakfast we hung out with Holly and Jon for a little while, and Aleaha picked apples and plums. Thank you, Jon and Holly!!

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