Sunday, October 4, 2009


Miri looks worried here, but she was just fixating on the image showing on the side of the camera facing her. She could see "the little baby" and wouldn't look right at me.

We finally finished the siding on our new woodshed. Miri helped. Notice the stylish safety glasses!

This is the way piggy tails are supposed to look -- curly.

This little piggy uses a straightening iron each day, apparently.

As a birthday present to Mommy, Daddy arranged for our favorite childcare professional to stay with Aleaha and Miri for the afternoon while we took the horses out for a trail ride. It was a fantastic idea -- a great gift to Mom. It was the first time Miri and Mommy were apart since she was born. She didn't like the notion so much, and wouldn't take a bottle. We have some work to do there.

We also have some work to do on the horses.... After saddling up and getting ready, we had a bit of a rodeo with the mare, and I (Mommy) took a spill. Didn't even last 8 seconds, so there's no buckle to be won. :( Chloe got a little too excited about getting started, and she bolted while I was mounting. Not a good trick! I did an unscheduled dismount and landed on some gravel. All is OK, just got my bell rung. Good thing I was wearing my helmet, gloves, and a thick jacket. (I had just made a comment to Chris about the potential bad juju of riding Chloe -- after all of us having 9 months off -- while wearing gloves that are imprinted with "Let'er Buck".) We thought we'd work on the horses a little more before such an outing again. Before deciding whether to continue riding or call it a day, we practiced some mounts and dismounts, then I took Jake around a short loop away from the trailer and Chloe. He did OK, but there was a gigantic hornet's nest just a few feet away from where we rode, and that was a sign to me that I shouldn't continue. We decided to call it enough of a success to get as far as we did. You know that saying "bad things come in threes". I didn't want to push my luck! We'll find a few other ways to warm up Chloe to riding again.

1 comment:

Liliana said...

Yikes! Glad you are OK. Good for you for taking a little time away.