Friday, November 27, 2009

Food, Food, Swinging, and More Food

Three girls lounging about. (Mrs. Jones was under the weather with a kitty cold, but thankfully she bounced back. Aleaha took good care of her, as you can see.)

This is why they invented the red-eye feature in Photoshop. Who would claim that baby otherwise?? hehehe

Aleaha was very helpful with Thanksgiving dinner. Here she is cutting the stems off dreen beans and chopping spuds for mashed potatoes. (Now, no need to report me -- that's a child-safe knife she's using.)

A nice Thanksgiving dinner with Gramma Patty. We have much to be thankful for.

Miri did her share of helping too. She likes to supervise from the Bjorn.

I'd been wanting to wait until Thanksgiving to start Miri on solids. If you saw last weekend's post, you know that we gave it a shot a little early, due to "Operation Bottle", and it was not successful. But oh, what a difference a few days makes! Here's Miri on the evening of Thanksgiving, gratefully sucking down her rice cereal. (Uh, yum?)

Then sucking on her chair.

Then sucking on her fingers.

But will she suck on a bottle? Hell no.

Aleaha put Christmas stockings on her horsie.

Now, don't go thinking any bad thoughts here.... Aleaha said this is Chestnut (the one in back), nursing off the other horse.

Maybe it is all about is Miri in her outdoor swing, which until now she has not really enjoyed. But she LOVED it today!

Happy grinner.

Cutie Poo.

Just a swingin'....

Having more cereal. She totally gets the game now!

Hoovering it down! Might be time to try that blasted bottle again soon. Or maybe just graduate to a sippy cup.

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