Monday, November 30, 2009

Freestyle Baby and Trimming the Tree

Miri doing the can-can on her changing table. Obviously this is the modest angle.

She's been playing with her feet a lot whenever she gets the chance. I don't remember Aleaha doing that as much.

Over the long weekend, we got our Christmas tree and even managed to decorate it. I put on a little Joan Baez Christmas music to help get us in the mood, and then we got 'er done. Aleaha was, ahem, such a big help. She was fascinated by all the decorations and wanted to know the personal history of each one. Now I have to work hard and give lots of Santa-won't-visit threats to have her keep her hands OFF the tree and its decorations. Last year, she didn't push the limits so much. Now? Look out.

She is wearing a special Christmas necklace that lights up. Oh, the entertaining things 5 bucks can buy.

Miri was asleep the whole time. She's got plenty of Christmases to be all wired, like Aleaha.

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