Monday, November 9, 2009

What? No Halloween Photos??

We are such lame parents. There it was, Halloween. And a Saturday night at that. And somehow we let the night slip away without a real picture of our fine children in their toss-tumes (as Miss A would say). Well, at least they did get to go trick-or-treating.

This is Miri on the way home from the beg-for-candy gig. She would have been wearing the Chili Pepper costume, but it's a bunting (one-piece get-up, for the uninitiated), which means she can't go in her carseat or the BabyBjorn. Instead, I put her in a darling little pink sherpa suit with a hood that has ears on it -- BAM, she's a cute little Care Bear! Ya do what works, no?

What's this?

It's Aleaha and her glow necklace! (so handy for going down to the barn to feed in the dark!)

We've still got the goats and llama in the upper pasture. We put the last of the pig feed in with them, and they seem to think that's pretty ok. (They will not be meeting the same fate, I assure you!)

Just exactly what does Miri think of doing laundry?

Aahhh, just kidding, Mom. "Ghouls just wanna have fun!"

Cutie-Poo in her exer-gizmo.

After much consternation, we decided to put a woodstove insert into the fireplace. (Aleaha calls it the "new firestove".) Here is Chris, managing it closely. Reminds me of that line from the Tom Hanks movie, Castaway: "I have made fire!" Man, it's so nice to come home on a chilly wet weeknight to a cozy house!

GrammaBon came to visit last weekend. Her patience and fortitude were put to use trying to teach Miri to take a bottle. (Mommy's been having LOTS of stress over this, as I've been back at work for a few weeks now, and she's not getting with the program.) But Little Miss would just have no part of it. Here she is trying to gently tell GrammaBon just what to do with that bottle. Note placement of Miri's left hand -- she's pulling Gramma's hand away.

Wow, GrammaBon, you can really push Aleaha fast! Or maybe Mom can't work a camera and keep things in focus. Yeah, probably that.

GrammaBon and her Mini-Me!

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