Thursday, April 29, 2010

How we spent last weekend

Miss Miri got to go grocery shopping like a big girl, sitting in the cart instead of the car seat. She was in heaven, being able to see things better. And then, of course, while checking out, she was reaching and touching everything she could. When it comes to that sort of thing, she's definitely challenging Mommy more than her sister did.

Daddy fell a few old, dead oak trees in the upper pasture. We love our tractor!!

Cool tree formation. The cross-bar on top is an old fallen limb from a different tree.

We have hosted a darling little bird in the barn all winter long. (I tried taking pictures of it, but they didn't turn out worth a darn with my cell phone camera.) I was moving a few bales of hay the other day, and lookie what I found! I was worried these 4 eggs might be abandoned, but last night while feeding the animals, mommy bird was on the nest. YAY! We'll leave those bales of hay alone for as long as we can, in hopes she can raise her babies.

Aleaha and her friend Sylvie attended a birthday party in lovely party dresses. Aren't they darling?

Here's a shot of Miri as she was waking up from a nap in the swing at school. Love those rosy cheeks!

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