Monday, April 5, 2010

Mud and More

We have a wee bit o' mud to manage at the barn. The French drains we put in do a lot to help, but we haven't been able to scrape the barnyard with the tractor for some time, and the water has been pooling and almost runing into the barn. Here is Chris making a moat in front of the horses' stall. He rode the 4-wheeler through first a couple of times to create some tracks, then he cleared them out even more with a rake. Uck!

We cruised over to Henry & Max's house down yonder for Max's birthday party. Aleaha was dressed to the nines, so I lined the wagon with a picnic blanket and gave her an umbrella. Yeah, now she wants to wear her dresses everywhere we go, AND use the umbrella. It's all just a ploy. She's a total schemer.

Sorry Nick, couldn't resist posting the shot of you with the amazing paper mache fish.

The pinata broke (somewhat), so Felice helped distribute the candy throughout the room a little, to the thrill of the crowd. But where's Aleaha? Note the little girl in the purple dress watching from the doorway in the background. That's more her style. But fear not, she managed to pick up a few pieces of candy.

Miri samples some homemade miniature donuts her sister and mommy made.

It looks like a crime scene, eh? It's strawberry goo, used to disguise the horrid flavor of some medicine she had to take when she was sick. She got into it a bit, and I wasn't about to stop her.

She can really clean her plate when she wants to!

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