Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Aleaha and Miri go to Happy Canyon

Aleaha and Miri attended their very first Happy Canyon show this year. I was filled with excitement for Aleaha to be there and with fear and trepidation about Miri-Yell. But Miri was fine, really. She was asleep during the first part (yay!!) , then woke up in a good mood and played with the little 13-month-old girl sitting in front of us. When she couldn't sit still and keep quiet anymore, Gramma Bon whisked her off behind the scenes to meet the horses and actors. She loved that part.

Aleaha loved the show. Here are a few excerpts...

During the opening scene, when the Indians are fishing in the pond:
"Mom, look, they're catching fishes!"

During the scene where the Indians carry the deer out.
"Mom, they were not very nice to that deer. They put an arrow into it."

During the scene where the white girl (Aunt Jodi) is taken captive:
"Mom, why did they take Aunt Jodi? What did she do to them?"

When Jodi dives into the water:
"But Mom, she's going to be gotten by the fishes!!!!"

After Jodi exited at a full gallop on the horse:
"Mom, where is Aunt Jodi now?"
My reply, wanting to assure her Aunt Jodi is OK and this is just for pretend,
"Well honey, she's down below, taking a shower."
A few minutes later:
"Why is Jodi taking a shower underground?"

At the end:
"Mom, it's the American Flag Song! I know this one!!"

There were a million more questions, of course. She tried to understand what was happening with the indians and cowboys and land and sickness. She told us some interesting versions of this on the way home, as it all sunk in. It's hard to ensure a 4-year-old can appreciate the cultural sensitivies involved in Happy Canyon. I asked her of her favorite parts, and they were the fireworks and all the horses, especially when they were running really fast. :)

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