Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apples, Boots, and Such

It's apple time! Miri enjoys the whole process: the gathering, the eating, .....

...the schlepping to the barn....

...and the feeding to the horses. Though she has a little trouble reaching the feeders.

Miri admires her new mud boots (new-to-her). They are much too big still, but gosh, aren't they fun to attempt to walk in??

Hey, astute readers, what's wrong with this picture? (besides the mess all over the floor, the tarp the horse is standing on, etc.) Hmmm, the horse is on the wrong side of the stall wall. This is Jake, who wriggled his way into a tight space, getting into the barn while Mommy was unloading hay. He found the bucket of apples.

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