Saturday, September 11, 2010


What has been keeping us so busy that there isn't even time to post in the blog? The end-of-summer chores, of course. Happens every year! And with our true summer weather behind us now (no fair, only two months?!?), we are in a hurry to git 'er done!

Aleaha, on a hay ride. A real one. Where once you get to the barn, you help unload it all.

She strikes a pose. But really, she did have to work too!

Over Labor Day weekend, we labored moving our chicken pen. It was quite an ordeal, as we had to partially construct the new pen, lock the girls up in the house the night before, drag the house into place (see Daddy negotiating that feat carefully with the tractor), then finish the fencing.

Miss Miri was quieted with a donut -- an unusual treat for us -- while Mommy & Daddy finished the pen. Of course, 20 minutes later she was on a sugar crash and had to have real food.

The girls are loving their new place. There's lots of sunshine (well, for now).

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