Monday, June 27, 2011

More Wagon Train

A huge THANK YOU to my friend Teri for taking gobs of pictures. While I was holding on to my mount (uh, and my squirmy almost-two-year-old), she was documenting the action! (And truth be known, she spent a fair amount of time holding Miri too, as that kid was passed - with much vocalization - from Mommy to GrammaBon to Teri to Mommy to Teri to Mommy to GrammaBon to....)

Me and my favorite equines: Da Boyz.

First day out - we were waaaaay behind the wagons, and didn't catch up until lunch time.

Sitting around the Sager camp. Mom and Dad were telling stories. See the squirmy almost-two-year-old?

This is Arby and his favorite butt-scratching tree. There's a video of this too, but until I can edit the audio, the things I say make it unfit for a family-oriented blog. :)

Lots of people dressed in period costume the whole trip. I wouldn't have wanted to wear a dress and ride for that long!

Cool shot of the back of one of the wagons -- a chuck-wagon!

Arby has a cute little face, when he holds it still.

Miri waves from atop Jake.

He's her new boyfriend, I think. She better get in line, as he's got quite a following. He's definitely a lovey-horse, and many of us girls (and a few boys) really like him.

1 comment:

Felice Luftschein said...

Awesome pictures Shelley! I'm so glad you got to take this "vacation"!