Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chores and a Road Trip

There's always a lot to be done, but fall is an especially chore-laden time for us. We have to take advantage of the last bits of decent weather, to get things done and to savor the rain- and mud-free time. For it will be 8 months until we see regular dirt again. *sigh*

Here's Daddy on the barn roof, sweeping a year's worth of fir needles and branches off and cleaning the gutters. Arby the Ever-Curious stands close by for anything yummy or interesting that might be cast off.

Aleaha got to have a little sit on her boy, Shorty.

Don't have to ask her to smile - she just does when she's horseback.

Aleaha begged mom to braid the horses' manes one day. Poor Jake - he stood still, but he didn't seem all that excited about being dolled up. He's not a show horse - he's au naturel! (plaits were removed shortly thereafter, for comfort, safety, and his personal reputation).

Aleaha's class went birding. How do you get 18 kindergardeners to be still and quiet?? You don't, of course. But the practice and exposure are good for them.

Sly says, "Let's see.....what's for lunch....chicken or chicken? I think I'll have the chicken." (But of course, they could have him for lunch!)

Aleaha was happy to show me how Friendly will eat from her hands.

We took a short road trip together, and Miss Miri got to stay overnight with Mommy in a hotel. She was pretty good, considering the circumstances. But she kept calling it a "hospital". When she woke up the next morning and looked around, she said:

"Mommy, I wike dis bedwoom. But, where are de doctors?"

I can't get enough pictures of her sleeping. So peaceful.

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