Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mischief Makers

I was going to title this post "Those Darn Cats", but in reviewing the animal-related photos off my camera, I realized I had this one, taken at the barn:

That's our beautiful automatic stall gate for Jake that Daddy made last year. It's supposed to look like this:

See, straight up-and-down. Not bent into a C.

Apparently someone who was in the stall wanted to get out of the stall very quickly. That must have hurt a bit. :( Fortunately, Daddy is a mechanical and metal WhizGenius, and he got us back to a working state quickly. Design updgrades are in the making. (And none of the horses have any marks or bruises. Go figure.)

And now for the latest cat antics. (Cuz there always are. You know that, right?)....

The Juice often disappears for many hours. I finally found this napping spot a few weeks ago. He's asleep in a piece of fabric draped over the top of our master bedroom closet. (Yeah, I know, why is there no real roof to the closet?? I put that up when we moved in to minimize the dust on my clothes. And yes, the irony is not lost on me for that attempt.)

Here's Mr. ClimbyFeet up on the top of the fireplace. He seems to think he can't be seen. A tiger's stripes has a purpose, for sure.

Aleaha was helping Miri set up the train track and little trains.

And it looked like things were good for a moment.

Until the little black turdlette began wiping out her trains!

Miri is loaded to shoot!

Oh, but they can be so cute, too.

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