Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Recent Happenings

Daddy made some rockin' tinker-toy and lincoln-log designs with Aleaha. They made a scale together, attaching two little plastic bowls to some now-dedicated pieces. Let's have more of that cool engineer stuff, Dad!

Aleaha's class did some work to sort donated food for a local food drive. Here's her class, singing a little song about being thankful and playing nicely with friends. (Let's have more of that, too!)

Aleaha made cavatelli one day. So fun. So easy.

Daddy told her "cavatelli" is Italian for "little maggots." Nice, eh?

Mommy made a special pork roast, dubbed The Three Little Piggies....pork loin, stuffed with pork sausage, wrapped in prosciutto. Tasty!

The day before Thanksgiving, Mommy took a day off to get a head start on cooking. Aleaha was sous-chef.

Random horse shot.

Beautiful hair shot.

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