Monday, March 26, 2012

Mommy, I have a surprise for you!

Dear Miri,

There are so many ways I could have titled this post.  "Four Times in 20 Minutes," "She Finally Gets It," or maybe "Miri Makes up Her Mind on This Matter." But I chose to go with what you said. After dinner, and after many days of being dry, you took care of things yourself, even the thing you haven't been willing to do (except for those 2 times, including once back in October and again in February. Yes, I really was making mental notes!). When you emerged from the bathroom and said you had a surprise for me, I was sure you were being your trickster self. But, you did it! You did it! You did it! And sure enough, you did it again!

Other parents who read this will surely know what's being referenced here. It's one of the biggest milestones between babyhood and being a Big Kid. It's been your hold-out. And I'm very proud that you are crossing this so-far-wide chasm. I was ready with your chosen reinforcement (Scooby-Doo Fruit Snacks). But clearly it didn't really take that to persuade you or you would have done it months ago.

It just took time. It had to be your decision, your choice, your timing.

Thank you, Little Miss Control Freak. Let's keep it up!



P.S. I know this is a public blog, but it's also sort of your baby book, where milestones are noted. I'll apologize in advance that 10 years from now you are totally mortified. At least I didn't post pictures.

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