Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thinking Ahead

Conversation with Aleaha last night.....

Aleaha:   Mom, when will I get married? I mean, how does that really work?

Mom:     Well, you know, you're just in first grade next year. Then you finish grade school and of course high school. Then you go to college. And maybe then or maybe after that, you'll probably meet someone. And fall in love and want to get married.

Aleaha:   So, I'll get married when I'm in college?

Mom:     No. Sometime after that. (wanting to move the conversation past "when"....) So, tell me honey, how do you think you'll know who is right for you?

Aleaha:   Well, two things. First, his hair. He needs to have hair. Second, a driver's license.

Clearly we have more work to do here.

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