Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Playing Together

    It's good to document these moments. There are plenty of times when togetherness is eschewed.

Playing "Bunny" (eating carrots).

Watching a video under the dining room table. Get a big screen TV and what do they do?... Find the portable DVD player and prefer it instead.

Wii'ing ("The Ants Go Marching One By One...")

Making french toast. Miri hands Aleaha the bread, and Aleaha gets it gooey.

Burning off some energy (taken through the kitchen window - good to catch them doing something right).

Playing in the tub. Note how Miri closely watches what Aleaha is doing, them copies. So funny. Like any second child, there are many ways in which she tries to be like her older sister, and a few in which she resists, too (like potty training).

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